Housing again!

The results of the District Council’s “call for sites” to meet housing needs have now been published, and there are some interesting (and is some cases worrying) proposals. This is a critical part of the District Plan process, now that the Council has had to start all over again.

In Chipping Bonhunt, there are proposals for around 1,200 more homes, which most of us realise would be too many. Particularly disappointing is the emergence of the Sandean Road proposals again, despite the fact that these were thrown out by the Planning Inspector earlier this year. However, some of the smaller sites make sense, and we have to accept there will be some development in the town.

Its good to see that the Greater Finchwinter scheme really has died a death (perhaps an unfortunate turn of phrase on my part given events in May). My good friend Richard Fisher tells me these will be explored further in his new book due to be published in February. Meanwhile, there are just 50 or so new homes proposed for the village.

The big news is Great Lionsbridge. Two sites here would result in over 6000 new homes. In reality, this would be a major new town. My initial reaction was to throw my hands up in horror, but on reflection I have started to wonder if this might not be a sensible way of coping with all the new housing. If the new settlement were designed carefully it could include all the required infrastructure and take the pressure off everywhere else.

During the Christmas break I will be looking at the sites in more detail and may post some further thoughts. In the meantime, I hope readers will make sure they share their views with the District Council.

Tobias Gibson, Town Clerk